38 Sanctuary Crescent Wongaling Beach

1,508m² ID: 1323
Lyn Anderson
07 4068 8110
0409 271 350

Take a Look at This!

It's situated in Mission Shores Estate in Wongaling Beach, is 1,508m2 in size, its a level building block,with all underground services in place,and it's surrounded by quality homes, and the estate has generous Building Covenants in place to protect your investment. How good is that?

This ideally positioned lot has access to a tree lined walkway through to a magnificent palm fringed beach approximately 400m away, and within close proximity to all amenities including Woolworths Shopping Centre, medical centre, library, Resort Shopping Village, primary school, Hotel Resort, Water taxi and various restaurants.

Acquire your own piece of the sanctuary today.

Contact Exclusive Marketing Agents
Grahame Anderson on 0418 230 617
Lyn Anderson 0409 271 350

I thought Anderson’s Real estate Agency went well above and beyond their core business service. They helped me on numerous occasions to become confident with my purchase and to brainstorm ideas for the future

Lindi Berghammer



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