12, 73 Explorers Drive South Mission Beach

Expression of Interest
4,967m² ID: 2058
Grahame Anderson
0418 230 617


360 Degree Panorama

Seeking a panorama like no other? These hilltop views from Lot 12 Lugger Bay in South Mission Beach are going to surpass your expectations.

- Located within a 50 acre exclusive rainforest estate, you will be sharing this sanctuary with a select few.
- Small acreage of 4,967m2
- Offers a flat building envelope at the top where the views are simply staggering and rainforest elsewhere..
- The 360 degree views take in sweeping views of the Coral Sea from Hinchinbrook Island, the Family Group to Dunk Island and over the rural hinterland.

Inspection strictly by appointment with Andersons Real Estate and certainly won't disappoint.

I thought Anderson’s Real estate Agency went well above and beyond their core business service. They helped me on numerous occasions to become confident with my purchase and to brainstorm ideas for the future

Lindi Berghammer



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