DIY With Mission Beach Real Estate

March 1, 2023

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Real Estate Mission Beach

Would you like to add extra value to your real estate property in Mission Beach?

You may have had a brainwave and want to make some improvements to your property by taking out a wall here or there. But can you and is it a good idea?

The dream of changing things around to make your living, dining, and kitchen area open-plan can seem simple. It can be easily achieved in older-style homes simply by smashing out a wall or two.

Before you break out that trusty sledgehammer, step back and make a few quick checks to determine if your open-plan dreams will be a cheapie DIY job or a more expensive job for a qualified tradie.

Here are some critical questions we recommend you consider before you start work on your property in Mission Beach.

Things to consider before DIY in your home

1. Is the wall load-bearing?

If in doubt, call in a builder or engineer to confirm, and if it is load-bearing, you will likely need engineered plans and permits, so rethink your DIY approach.

2. What is in those walls?

Does it have power points, light switches, aerial or plumbing pipes running through it? If so, get an electrician or plumber to take a look and relocate or disconnect these before you start smashing things up.

3. How will you finish the floor and ceiling?

You will need a plan to fill that gap in the vinyl or carpet where the wall stood once you remove it. If you are eliminating the cupboards altogether, check the floor tiles or coverings have been continued under the cabinets. Have the tiles just been tiled up to and around the cupboard? This has been known to happen, and there is nothing worse than having to change to a different tile.

Common sense really, huh? But you would be one of many weekend warriors to consider this after the fact.

4. Does the wall contain the dreaded asbestos?

If your house was built or renovated before 1990, it could contain asbestos. You need the big guns for this can of worms, so get a licensed professional to deal with this stuff. If you are unsure how old your house is, start by checking your metre box; sometimes, there is a date of construction in there.

5. Do you live in an apartment?

You will need permission before you start removing walls, so get in touch with your body corporate first.

Are you looking for a possible DIY project? View our current houses for sale in Mission Beach and the surrounding area, or contact us on 07 4068 8110.

At Andersons Real Estate, it’s not just about buying and selling – we undertake professional study each year to maintain accreditation, which means you are getting Real Estate Best Practices. And being a member of the Real Estate Institute of Queensland gives you peace of mind.

We were recommended Andersons Real Estate by a friend in Mackay. We knew the minute we introduced ourselves that we were with the right people. Grahame & Lyn made us feel very welcome and at ease about making this major move in our lives. Lyn went above and beyond in selecting properties for us to view. Her outstanding friendliness, great sense of humour and diligence proved to us that no other real estate could provide this type of service when looking to purchase a home. We would highly recommend Andersons Real Estate to anyone looking at moving to Mission Beach or the surrounding areas. Graham & Lynn Johnston

Graham and Lynn Johnston
Being a member of the Real Estate Institute of Queensland gives you peace of mind.
Andersons undertake professional study each year to maintain accreditation, which means you are getting Real Estate Best Practice
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